Mar 1, 2017 | Finland, Travel Stories
Shortly after getting settled in at mökki and placing our glasses freshly relieved of their properly garnished welcome-beverages in the sink, we prepped for the true Finnish experience: Round one of sauna. This would be of a wood fire heated varietal. We packed a...
Feb 19, 2017 | Finland, Travel Stories
Flight AY666 from Copenhagen to Helsinki landed without a hitch. The moment of truth. It did start to click in our heads for a bit that, yes, in fact, we had actually only spent one evening/late-late-evening with these two…and truth be told, this could be a little...
Feb 6, 2017 | Travel Stories
I have mentioned in prior posts that certain experiences only happen because of, and in direct relation to other events. Our decisions often become patterns that define us. One good decision can often beget a fine result, and on down the line. On the contrary, the...